Thursday, January 28, 2010


Today I learned about SHARKS!
They have bodies that are like torpedoes! They move quickly. They have lots of sharp teeth. They have a really good sense of smell. They can smell blood very far away. There are over 300 different kinds of sharks. They usually live in warm waters. There are zebra,whales, sandtiger, goblin, crocodile, leopards, lemon, cat, bull, and tigers sharks. I think that's funny that there are so many different names.

The Whale Shark. This is the biggest fish in the world. It can be 39 feet long. It is safe for humans though. This shark only eats plankton.

The Great White Shark. This is the meanest of the bad boys. He is know has a the great "man eater." This shark can grow to be 20 feet long and weigh 2 tons! They eat seals, sea lions, dolphins, large fish, other sharks and anything else that looks good to eat! They have large, flesh tearing teeth. Look out for this guy!

The Hammerhead. They grow to be 13 feet long. Their eyes are in a weird place. They are very grouchy! They are known to attack humans. They are unlike most other sharks because they often live in schools and migrate in huge numbers.

The Zebra Shark. They can grow to be 9 feet long, but they don't weigh very much. They have a flexible body. They eat shrimps, crabs, and small bony fish. Their mouth is a different shape that lets them eat mollusks. They usually stay on the sea floor. There is only one kind of zebra shark.

Pygmy Shark. These are one of the smallest sharks. They have organs that produce lights. They cast shadows making them harder to hunt. They only grow to be 10 inches long.

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